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Native Flora

TACPLACI plants a wide variety of Tasmanian natives in our sites.  Natives have a lot of advantages such as providing food for birds and other animals, as well as being hardy and suited to the local climate.  Many of the plants also act as refuge for small animals such as bandicoots. We recommend these plants for planting in your garden.  Information from the University of Tasmania can be obtained by clicking the "More information" button.


Scientific Name

Banksia Marginata


Scientific Name

Myoporum insulare

Bower spinach

Excellent ground cover, fast growing, effective in suppressing weeds

Scientific Name

Tetragonia implexicoma

Casuarina or Drooping Sheoak

A common sight along the Tranmere foreshore

Scientific Name

Allocasuarina verticillata

Clover Tree

Fast growing, spectacular in Spring

Scientific Name

Goodia Lotifolia

Coast Paperbark

Scientific Name

Melaleuca ericifolia

Coastal Correa

Scientific Name

Correa Backhouseana

Common Correa

Pretty red flowers, hardy

Scientific Name

Correa Reflexa

Creeping Boobialla

Scientific Name

Myoporum parvifolium

Dagger Hakea

Scientific Name

Hakea teretifolia


Withstands dry conditions once established

Scientific Name

Dianella tasmanica


Scientific Name

Pomaderris apetala

Downy Ziera

Velvety plant, compact bushes

Scientific Name

Ziera Littoralis

Grey Saltbush

Prolific grower in harsh coastal conditions

Scientific Name

Atriplex cinerea


Striking purple pea flowers in late spring.

Scientific Name

Indigofera australis

Kangaroo Apple

Scientific Name

Solanum laciniatum

Myrtle Wattle

Scientific Name

Acacia myrtifolia

Native Box

Scientific Name

Bursaria spinosa

Native Hop

Scientific Name

Dodonaea viscosa

Native Primrose

Scientific Name

Goodenia lanata

Native pigface

Excellent groundcover, fast growing once established

Scientific Name

Carpobrotus rossii

Parrots Foot

Scientific Name

Goodenia ovata


Scientific Name

Pelargonium (Geraniaceae)

Prickly Moses

Common coastal shrub

Scientific Name

Acacia verticillata

Rhagodia/Coastal saltbush

Good groundcover, quite hardy

Scientific Name

Rhagodia candolleana

Rock Lily

Scientific Name

Bulbine glauca

Running Postman

Protrate trailing plant, can be obscured until red flowers appear in Spring

Scientific Name

Kennedia prostrata


One of Tasmania's most abundant species

Scientific Name

Lomandra longiflora

Silver Cushion Bush

Scientific Name

Leucophyta brownii

Silver tussock grass

Excellent cover for small animals such as blue tongue lizards and attracts birds

Scientific Name

Poa Labillardieri

Spreading wattle

Scientific Name

Acacia genistifolia


Scientific Name

Westringia (Lamiaceae)

White Correa

Prolific growth and hardy

Scientific Name

Correa alba

White Flag Iris

Scientific Name

Diplarrena moraea

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